Thursday, August 16, 2007

For Starters...

Hopefully, deciphering the name of this blog was no Herculean task...but for all those lazy junta out there who probably consider the name as yet another random antic of mine - I just have 3 words for u ..."Get a life " ..

As is always said, the name is more than just an identity...its a carrier of luck as well..thats precisely why I had devoted 4 long weeks just to get a "numerologically - sound" one.. and pls I would not like to get the award for the most " far-sighted visionionary ".. ( and for the less informed creatures - I dont have any of the contagious myopia or heteromyopia sort of diseases.. )

anyways...getting to the point..( btw, am sure by now, many of us may have realised the fact that I love wandering away from whatever I do..and no Idont mean I walk with my lappy in my hands...) well...I have many more characterisitics..but then, u will have to wait for a long post that shall elaborate on those... where were we...yup...the point..

the carefully designed, intricately thought, thoroughly googled and finally decided name.....

well, it actually means.. ( meanings from )

cornucopia - an abundant, overflowing supply.

of - am sure u all know what this means...if not...u shouldnt be reading this post at ashamed "of" urself ...

gobbledygook - language characterized by circumlocution and jargon, usually hard to understand

and now that u know what it means...u shall be able to relate to all the arbit stuff that shall be a part of it.

FYI... ( in case u didnt get all the sarcasm...lemme explain...the name was just a crazy idea...There wasnt an iota of research involved...basically...I am trying to tell u that..the creative ideas are screaming at ur face... ;-) )


Varun said...

you seem to be flowing rather overflowing with creativity and with the gibberish and goobly woblly nomenclature....i see certain MR Salman Rushdie fearing your talents...what about Mario in Hogwarts-revival of potter----

Varun Kaushik said...

Nicely done. Hopefully you keep at it, at least more so than I did. Ha-ha. Looking forward to seeing what you have to dish out...