Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunlight is the best disinfectant...

" Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” a well-known quote from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis ".
Damn!! My lack of knowledge. I actually thought that it was an arbit sentence when I first read it in a book. Luckily, I happened to remember it right now and figured that it was a legitimate one that probably meant something in the light of the chapter that I was reading. I guess I would have to re-read the book again to find out where it was.

Just thought I'd post this so that the sentence doesn't seem arbit to someone else like me.... :-)


Traveller shaveller said...

funny how such gobbledegook when meets googledegook, turns out to mean something more than what it says. I thought i came across an arbit blog with arbit line.there is some strange humour lurking in your blog's title and this writeup. can't tell you exactly wot cos m groggy right now bye

Traveller shaveller said...

the channel chosen served it's purpose id say (tongue in cheek)
...and i am groggy today as well, got up at 4, drove 312kms to delhi , got fined 1900 bux (1400 standard fine +500 for deaccelerating at 37kmph--read arguing with the police, for overspeeding at 97kmph on the delhi karnal highway.ample feed for humour in life. id blog again, even if it takes a lifetime to find the time to blog, i will blog again( from the song) and yeah a comment from you wud go a long way to make me :D

Traveller shaveller said...

hey, you dont seem to be writing much lately? bizziee lizziee